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Lucio Fontana

1899 - 1968
The Italian artist Lucio Fontana was born on February 19, 1899 in Rosario, in the Argentine province of Santa Fé. His father, Italian, works here as a sculptor, his mother, Argentine, is a theater actress. During his school years, Lucio Fontana lives with an uncle in Castiglione Olona, in northern Italy. He then trains as a master builder at the Istituto Tecnico in Milan and returns to Argentina in 1921. He gains his first experience as a sculptor in his father's workshop, which specializes in cemetery sculptures. In 1927 Lucio Fontana returns to Italy and enrolls to study sculpture at the Accademia di Belle Arti die Brera in Milan, graduating in 1929. In 1930 Lucio Fontana participates in the 17th Venice Biennale and has his first solo exhibition at the Galleria del Milione in Milan. In 1935, another highly acclaimed exhibition of abstract sculptures takes place here. Lucio Fontana is in contact with the Parisian group "Abstraction-Création". In Albisola, in the second half of the 1930s, he also begins to experiment with ceramics and terracotta reliefs are created.
123 offers (in the last 12 months)
  • Watercolor / Drawing: 5
  • Prints: 20
  • Sculpture / Object: 21
  • Painting: 52