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15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
3 days | K Auction, Seoul
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
7 days | Dorotheum, Vienna
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
13 days | Heffel, Toronto
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
13 days | Heffel, Toronto
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
19 days | Van Ham, Cologne
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
Renato Guttuso
Lot 510 Bosco , 1951

19 days | Van Ham, Cologne
7 days | Dorotheum, Vienna
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
13 days | Heffel, Toronto
15 days | Farsettiarte, Italy
19 days | Van Ham, Cologne
7 days | Dorotheum, Vienna

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